Day 7: Bar Harbor (2/3)

This is day two of three at Bar Harbor. We are staying in a great little cottage that looks our on a bay. Weather was nice this morning, the first nice start to a day in a while.

Morning view looking across the road from our cottage.

Our cottage.

First order of business today was to wash some clothes. On these trips we certainly wash some clothes in our room sinks, but once in a while we check out washaterias on our way and do a bigger load. This place worked. No credit cards, only cash but could use the change machine and get a million quarters.

The lobsterman next door. Lobster industry is crazy big up here. Lobster traps are everywhere.

A lot of New England in one photo. Canoes and kayaks were all around and everywhere up here.

Of course one of the main attractions here on Mt. Desert Island is Acadia National Park. We drove the loop around the park and saw many beautiful sights such as these. Unfortunately we had showers off and on so we weren’t able to stop long at these places.

Jordan Pond in Acadia NP.

We ended our day on the top of 1,500 foot Cadillac Mountain in Acadia NP. To control crowds, you have to sign up for a spot to get on the road to the top. We got a 5:30pm slot and decided to stay for the sunset. It turned out to be a dud due to haze/fog on the horizon and few clouds in the sky above. Views from the mountain top were great.


Day 8: Bar Harbor (3/3)


Day 6: Bar Harbor (1/3)